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10 years ago

He has a tattoo on the palm of his hand. The creases in his hand should go through the tattoo.

But as you say Nathan: Hands Are Hard To Draw. I present, Exhibit A.

10 years ago

What is that circular thing containing the hand drawing? A red-stained bedpan? A porcelain wash bowl?

Why is that hand wearing a blue Zorro mask? Is that so we won’t recognize it?

It takes a certain level of talent to create a cover like this after 8 previous attempts (since this is book 9 in a series).

10 years ago

Even if you trace over a photo, you still need to have some artistic sense to make it look good. Maybe the creator should have kept the photo.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
10 years ago

Show of Hands, People

When I hold my left hand up in that position, the rank of finger height (tallest to shortest) is middle, ring, index, pinky, and the tip of my thumb is even with the crease where the middle finger leaves the palm.

Is it just me? Does that had look like yours?

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
10 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

errata: “Does that hand look like yours?”

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
10 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

The photograph of a hand at the Wikipedia article “Hand” is proportioned more like my hand than like the hand on this cover. What does that imply?

10 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

In some old werewolf movie they told that having an index finger longer than the middle meant the person was a werewolf. Also a pentagram on the palm so, well, maybe any old middle-eastern symbol will do?

But holy fruitsalad that is an ugly cover. Even badly drawn covers are not usually this ugly, the ‘artwork’is really combining with the colour scheme to produce a new low.

10 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

Actually no, my index and ring finger are the same length. This here is foreshortening gone wrong. Like I said before, it’s not enough to trace over a photo, you have to know how to give it shape and volume. It’s extremely difficult to make bent fingers look like bent fingers, that’s why people usually draw them turned to the side a little, to give the brain a cue so it can interpret it as 3D (and then they over do it and the fingers look disfigured and broken).

I’m more concerned with why the root of the thumb looks broken. In the movies, they dislocate the thumb to get out of handcuffs, maybe that’s the case here.

10 years ago

Perhaps the title has to do with the faith needed to read this book?

The challenge of drawing a hand shown here gives me even more respect for MC Escher’s sketch of one hand drawing the other.