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10 years ago

There’s a Tumblr called “Boobs don’t work that way,” which is about “tits and the impossible things artists make them do.” Similarly, there could be a tag for Lousy Book Covers called “Hair doesn’t work that way.”

10 years ago
Reply to  Karl

I am pretty sure that hair is the least of this poor thing’s troubles.

10 years ago

The way I can think of salvaging this cover? Take either that spear / shadow part and use only it. Nothing else.

That would solve all the problems in the figure.

10 years ago
Reply to  Waffles

Like the fact that the right arm is 2/3 the length of the left, for example?

10 years ago
Reply to  Kris

The legs share that length problem.
Her shoulder couldn’t possibly be attached to her body in that position.
She is lacking ears, which would be at least partially visible.
Dat hand, dat wrist, dat whole arm is locked into an impossible pose.

I could go on… so I will.
Literal hourglass figure.
No hint of spine or shoulder blades.
Unless she is an A cup, there would be a peak of side boob in that pose, but she might very well be an A cup, just looks very odd.
Her legs must just be glued on, she has no hint of a butt or hips to hold legs onto the torso with.
The best part is the face, not saying a lot is it, and that eye is far too high on the head, it doesn’t look right.

Send this to an artist as your concept Katheryn, before it is too late!

10 years ago

I like the idea for this, but there is just “too much information”. Place the focus on the “Griever’s Mark” (I’m guessing that’s that tat that’s almost visible on her neck), with the back of her head filling the cover and just part of that shoulder pad thingie and spear shaft visible would probably get the point across. (I hope that making you since.) Get rid of the italics. “The Griever’s Mark” – a Capitalis-y Roman font or Garamond titling, the rest in Fournier. “Book 1” in invisible Comic Sans. Put the text together at the bottom, or split ittop/bottom to emphasize the tattoo. I think whoever did this cover ought to be able to pull that off.

But why is she getting smacked in the head with a wet towel?

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
10 years ago

I read the blurb as “Marked Loathed Controlled” first read, “Marked Leashed Controlled” second look. Please, a more legible font.

10 years ago

I rather like the font. As for everything else…

Dear Katherine, if you ever get to read this, please, please, use reference photos for your drawings. If you don’t know where to find some, here’s a good start: mjranum-stock.deviantart.com/gallery/ . You can find a lot of high quality stock photos of chicks with spears there. Trace the image if you have to. It won’t make you a better artist, but it will make for a better end result. And the end result is what really matters.

10 years ago

Poor disabled girl, with her much shorter left leg held in a sort of brace: she really could have done without the tentacled giant mollusc trying to eat her head.