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9 years ago

That…is one strangely-shaped book…

Oh, wait, it’s ebook-only. That explains everything, I guess.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
9 years ago

Fourth Grade Grammar Fail. “Sleepily” is an adverb, which modifies a verb. Why is it modifying a noun?

Sheesh… Too cheap to hire a competent editor… or ANY editor. I guess.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
9 years ago

The Sleepily Village Mysteries 3: Olive’s Sexual Adventures
1. Is English the author’s first language?
2. Is the “sleepily village” Sweethaven and does Olive’s sexual adventure involve Bluto and Popeye?

And no, after the Amazon recommendations I kept getting after following the last book link, I aint going to the book page for answers.