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10 years ago

You are on a definite 2nd-world, non-native-speaker roll here! I’m afraid you are going to end up cowering in a corner, sucking on a lollipop, and whimpering for Wolfie…

10 years ago

Would like to see what a top designer could do given this as a mock-up with ample freedom to go from there…

10 years ago

I half expected it to say ‘borken’. That would have made it interesting XD

Yes, I imagine a good designer might make an excellent cover out of the concept. I bet somebody already made it, somewhere. It’s not a very original concept, but it can be very effective, if done right.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
10 years ago

Title “Broken News”, with the image of various headline clips and a darkened crystal ball on a fortune teller’s table …. lotsa potential there.

10 years ago

Is that a puzzle piece?

10 years ago

I think it’s a “person” on a sofa, just head and shoulders above the backrest. Or maybe it’s a headboard and a crappily made bed. The whole thing’s a hot mess, especially the cheap use of a few headlines and photos multiple times at different rotations. Jeezy cheesy.

10 years ago
Reply to  Sirona
Sneaky Burrito
10 years ago

There aren’t actually that many headlines and maps — many of them are repeated. The pasting around the title like that is really screwing with my sense of perspective.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
10 years ago

Creative cover collaboration by Mystery Science Theater 3000…

Wendy Christopher
10 years ago

Am I bad person for cynically laughing at the juxtaposition of ‘US ATTACKS IRAQ’ with ‘A Short Story?’