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10 years ago

“This booklet probes into the role of the Soviet espionage agency KGB during the cold war era from 1955 to 1991 and its secret war with the CIA, with glimpses of activities of the important Soviet moles in the CIA and the FBI of the USA.”

That’s a lot to cover in less than 7500 words. O_o

10 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Maybe the book is about real Soviet moles, imported to undermine the foundations of these important USA institutions. Those four-footed creatures are fascinating, but 7500 words is about right to explain their dirt mounds.

Obviously, the KGB moles were not very successful in ruining the FBI or CIA- just their fine gardens.

Don’t even get me started about American moles and how they can lead to cancer…

Take Cover
Take Cover
10 years ago

Not so much ‘layout’. More like ‘lay down and die’.

The spatial ineptitude on display here is so profound that I suppose Mr Basu really should be congratulated for managing to place any words and images on the cover at all.

10 years ago

The icon for launching the Cold War app is missing.

10 years ago
Reply to  red

Upon further reflection, I think the red button for launching the Cold War app is the entire cover!

Lucie le Blanc
Lucie le Blanc
10 years ago

Hey that’s the author of the blue birds of the Pacific book that was posted earlier! At least he shows consistency…