Dangerous Habits October 24, 2014NathanCovers8 Comments Dangerous Habits Photobombing Lady of the Lake! bad font choice layers upon layers photobombing Previous postOil Fisher Next postGod’s Tissues
Four fonts!
Shouldn’t she be blinking the eye with the cross in it?
That is one effed-up eye.
What are “Davseroin” Habits? No kidding on the bad font choice!
Looks like the Lady of the Lake has a rosary addiction. How very unpagan of her.
Okay everybody – by a raise of hands – how many people think the title may be an obvious, and horrible, pun?
I thought so. Carry on.
Yes, and it is! Habits, because nuns, geddit? AHAHAHAHA and HA.
That’s the tallest wall of water I’ve seen since Charlton Heston parted the Red Sea.