Chasers – The Story April 20, 2013NathanCovers5 Comments Chasers – The Story Thus distinguishing it from Chasers – The Interpretive Dance Review and Chasers – The Happy Meal. BOO-ring font boredom Previous postChoosing Riley Next postLive, Laugh, Let Go!
So the text of binary numbers was justified full and then only a snapshot of it was used so that it would look ragged anyway? Maybe if we can decode these numbers it will explain the reasoning behind the cover…
Wow. Arial. What an exciting font choice. *cough*
My head is not stuck in the sideways position after trying to decipher the code.
I prefer “Chasers—The Beer.” Better ending, too.
Chasers: The Thing That I Will Be Having After The Whiskey That I Need To Forget This Cover.