A perfect bound cache of poetry/art/photography, and fIlled to the point of bursting with heart/ atmospheric conflict, G/v/s showcases the different facets of a young man whose life is filled with the air of the omnipresent. At times grimey and utterly devoid of hope, William’s narrative voice clings to the unpredictable in matters of love, business, and friendship. With a tone that bypasses malice in light of unadulterated acceptance, G/v/s epitomizes the transcendental realist perspective- in that the book itself showcases the overlooked ability to not only acknowledge the barriers of the human consciousness, but through such analysis, learn to overcome them and find a sense of purpose within the new measures.
What else is there to say? (h/t Viergacht)
Hell yeah, laser-shooting sabertooths! Perfect for the sequel of Kung Fury.
Dynotherms connected, Megathrusters are go! Go Voltron Force!
Definitely very WTF. Technically, it actually seems pretty good though (the image is arresting if nothing else, although I can’t quite tell what the background is, and the typography’s better than most on here as well). The title’s not centered, though: that bugs me.
I’m sure the people at “Walking With Beasts” are delighted that their work was so… .
What are you talking about, this is the best cover ever! *reads description* …Oh.
Yowza! I wanna get the font that “Galaxy” is in…
and, like, never ever ever use it.
If we’re lucky, that part of the title is hand drawn art.
Alas, we’re not lucky. The As are identical. It’s a font.
Dammit I read the description and now I feel stupider than before.
LMAO. Thanks for that.
Are you sure the description and the cover are for the same book? Holy cow! False flagging is no joke!
I always wondered where all those messages went when I emptied the spam folder.
AND, another comment that made me LMAO. It’s two-fer day.
Well, I’m pretty good at deciphering jargon and double-talk. Let’s translate this baby:
I’ll try to be charitable and say the blurb writer may have intended that as deliberate satire or parody. Otherwise if these college kids are all insufferable posers, the future is doomed beyond recovery.
Positive Reinforcement: That Sabre Tooth (which is two words by the way, Sabretooth is that guy who likes to fight Wolverine) has frickin’ laser beam eyes! I think vs the Galaxy – it would win!
Super Sabre Tooth Tiger from Planet Krypton. With X-Ray Vision.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.