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9 years ago

Poetry? Seems more like a horror cover.

john e. . .
9 years ago

I assume the Ransom Note typeface is used throughout the book.

That’s at least what the cover says to me.

9 years ago

Dear Lord, what is happening to this woman?! (I’m assuming it is a woman.) Or is it two people crossing dimensions to merge into one being? I believe I see three hands.

9 years ago

Considering that her other cover included stolen artwork, I wonder if all the weird stuff on either side of the word “Door” is caused by her attempt to hide some more watermarks on the photo of the woman.

9 years ago

Super creepy. And NOT in an angsty artsy poetry way.

You know how some covers appear here and you never want to look at them again? This is one of those for me.

9 years ago

PosRe: Think of all the people you have given nightmares with this.
That is a rare talent.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
9 years ago

Neg Re: Wasn’t there an H.P. Lovecraft horror story about a family who hid a deformed relative in the attic? Being hid in a cupboard must be confining.

L-Plate Pen
L-Plate Pen
9 years ago

Other PosRe: she has at least printed her cover on a cupboard door, thus reinforcing the relevance of the title.

Well, that’s my best shot, anyway…