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9 years ago

Nathan, there wasn’t any time to get it positioned just right. Desperate times call for desperate scanning.

What does the SR signify at the end of his name? Is it some academic title or military rank, to get all CAPS? Or is he just trying to tell us that he’s “senior” as opposed to junior? I don’t know why it catches my eye so much… maybe I’m just trying to avoid looking at that kid’s drawing pretending to be cover art.

Positives- he colored inside the lines.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
9 years ago

Bwahahaha. Nathan, I think you need a “Crayola Art” category here on LBC!

And, I’m so happy to see a double arm amputee on the cover. They are definitely under-represented in literature and cover art.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
9 years ago
Reply to  James F. Brown

Oh, sorry. Make that triple-amputee. Missing a leg, too.

9 years ago

The victim is wearing bedroom slippers. With one arm coming out of the center of his chest, maybe he can’t tie shoes.

9 years ago

Perhaps he can’t tie shoes because of his wildly tiny head.

L-Plate Pen
L-Plate Pen
9 years ago

So, I’m looking at this image… of a crazy-eyed. clearly DROOLING triple-amputee in some sort of military uniform with a little boy sitting on his remaining knee. On a story with a title of ‘Desperation.’

I’m officially too scared to read this book.