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9 years ago

Hey, at least they passed the How to Draw Manga class….

john e. . .
9 years ago

Positive reinforcement: While that brown is perilously close do being a special shade of puke, it is not poo-brown.

Or at least “That’s the color of shit,” is not the first thing I think when I see it.

9 years ago

I hate it when there is a Sinus Uprising… and that is what I first saw “Sinus” nor “Sinius”. I had an image of pollen spores attacking those Manga noses.

9 years ago

I thought Destiny Star was the author name until I scrolled down. Then I was just confused.

L-Plate Pen
L-Plate Pen
9 years ago

Zero Sinius Rising? that’s not very exciting…

Madeleine Fisher
9 years ago

At first I thought it said “Sinus Rising.” Which would make for an odd match, seeing as most Manga-style art reeeeeaally de-emphasizes the nose.