Twinkleberry Pie For My Birthday May 28, 2015NathanCovers7 Comments Twinkleberry Pie For My Birthday It’s a picture book. I’m afraid the whole book is reproduced like this. instamatic Previous postBlack Tide Rising Next postThe Badass and the Beast
Related to this book: There’s An Orc in My Ass!
There is nothing more I could add.
A Billionaire Orc, maybe.
Twinkling on a pie is not an appealing thought (sounds too much like tinkling/ peeing), but it does distract me from that blurry mess.
The artwork is cute, but being out-of-focus makes it disturbing.
The hind legs are in an impossible position.
Oh geez, how did I miss that? It’s on tiptoe (tip…hoof? Anyway.) I think the blurry photos distracted me.
How hard is it to find a video of a horse trotting that one can freeze-frame as a model for drawing?
Is this pony suffering from equine polio? That back leg looks awfully thin.