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9 years ago

This made me laugh out loud! They are writing on her FACE!!! And WTH is going on in the reflection in her eyes???

9 years ago

The duck is staring at me. Oh, wait…

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
9 years ago
Reply to  Tuula

After reading that comment, I backed this out to thumbnail size … now I have seen the duck. Not as life-changing as having seen the elephant, but amusing none the less.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
9 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

I was looking at this cover with a 19″ diagonal flat screen monitor; I usually back off to 25% to see if a cover works in the thumbnail size that folks see browsing book ads especially on hand-held devices. I was puzzled by Tuula’s duck comment on this’un, until I backed off to a thumbnail view.

Artist or author: if you want to sell books on the internet, please look at the thumbnail preview and check off:
_ Can you read the title? OK.
_ Can you read the author name? OK.
_ Does the face look like a duck? Ooops.

9 years ago
Reply to  Tuula


9 years ago

Something about this unique look appeals to me. It certainly doesn’t fit a thriller, but if it were a book of poetry, for example, where that cover image might make sense for the content, this could be salvaged.