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9 years ago

The Hat That Shalt Not be Named.

9 years ago

Wow, either he is Huge or she is a midget, considering that she is in front of him. But at least they have something in common- both have lost their lower selves.

Is that a bullet hole in the tiny airship?

I’m still not sure what is in the bottom left corner, but I think it is either a tapeworm or an octopus that has been squished by that black lump that is supposed to be a wizard or witch or samurai or…

9 years ago
Reply to  EricL


Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
9 years ago
Reply to  EricL

“Is that a bullet hole in the tiny airship?” I zoomed in and I think that’s an outboard engine and propeller.

9 years ago
Reply to  EricL

She looks like one of those ventriloquist dummies he sticks his hand in to make the mouth open and the eyes roll…

9 years ago

Does this mean the hat is a zeppelin magnet?

9 years ago

I’ve never seen a cover pull a half-Nagilum before.

Edward Sinclair looks like a random guy they pulled from the accounting department, and pasted a bowler & scarf on him (he probably wore the raincoat to work that day).

9 years ago
Reply to  Bruce

Half-Nagilum! ROFL!!! 😀

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
9 years ago

Weird adventures of a Victorian New England acquisitions clerk and his cousin. The hints are steampunk Cthulhu but I have misread hints before.

john e. . .
9 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

My new band name – SteamPunkCthulU!

Or maybe the band name is DieselBananaHammock and we play in the SteamPunkCthulU genre.

9 years ago

The lady’s chin… I… What in the McHeck is going on with her chin? Is it just the lighting or was her mouth moved up higher for some reason? Despite everything else wrong here, I can’t quit focusing on that.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
9 years ago
Reply to  Sipesh

Hey, Bruce Campbell or Jay Leno might like that gal’s chin.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
9 years ago

They stole Walter White’s little hat?

9 years ago
Reply to  James F. Brown

And it is little. One sneeze and that melon’s gonna pop right off that guy’s head like in those old cartoon strips.

9 years ago

Why is the yellow eye-moon not pasted in where Odd-Job’s head is?

Why is the zeppelin not pasted in where the Conestoga mail-order redhead’s head is?

These “missed it by that much” covers are really annoying!

9 years ago

Hooooy, baby. This one definitely deserves the Doozy tag. (n.b.: do we HAVE a doozie tag?). First, that’s definitely Cousin It’s Black Irish cousin, Cousin That, in the lower left-hand corner, standing, it seems, on a heavily-seamed-with-white-thread Coach bag that was made by a drunken Sweatshop worker. Too many shoulder straps, too little sewing time. Or vice-versa.

That woman? I’ve seen her. AND the guy. They are actors, I’m 99% sure. I think you see them show up in those movies that show up on Popcorn Flix on Roku. You know, the type of movies that escape, rather than get released. (thanks, Bruce Campbell, for that lovely bit of phrasing). Even worse, by FAR, than anything you’ve ever seen on the Sci-Fi channel. Movies that make Sharknado look like a cinematic masterpiece. Although, I’m pretty sure that doesn’t mean that they intended to model for THIS. Anyone tin-eye these?

That blue velvet-ish scarf is just alllllllllll wrong. WRONG, wrong wrong, particularly when coupled with “the Fire down below” underneath his left pectoral.

L-Plate Pen
L-Plate Pen
9 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

I thought that about those two as well! I’m getting a second-division sci-fi-tv-series vibe with the woman, and a Discovery-Channel-reality-tv-series vibe with the guy (a la Deadliest Catch, Ice Road Truckers, that kind of thing…)

… damn, that’s gonna bug me FOREVER now..!

Tonstant Weader
Tonstant Weader
9 years ago

Oh! The sub-humanity!