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James F. Brown
James F. Brown
9 years ago

Gotta wonder what kind of rights he’s acquired for using Neil Gaiman’s and Mr. Wizard’s names.

None at all, I’m betting. Registered letters from lawyers coming soon!

9 years ago

Are those cacti sticking out of the galaxy? Wow.

9 years ago
Reply to  Bruce

Hey, if you can ride your bike on the Milky Way then there’s no reason cacti can’t take root in the stars.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
9 years ago
Reply to  L.

Or, it’s a kid on a bicycle sucked up with cacti by a dust devil in the desert into outer space.

9 years ago
Reply to  Bruce

Dibs on “Galactic Cactus” as the name of my next one-gig EDM group.

9 years ago

Any time I see a “Famous Author meets Famous Author” tagline, I immediately walk the other direction.

9 years ago
Reply to  misterfweem

No freaking kidding.

9 years ago

The black hole at the center of that galaxy is swallowing all of the clip art in the universe. Yay!

After it chows down all the small type on this cover, it will look much better (it = the cover).

john e. . .
9 years ago

My money is on Gaiman.

9 years ago

The font screams “fantasy”- as in Harry Potter- while the artwork yells “science fiction”. Competing like that, I think it fails to sell to either genre.

Choose a different font, get rid of the “blah meets blah” junk, learn to center your text, and you will have a much better cover. Don’t work about covering that galaxy in the top right- it ain’t that special. Right now it looks like it has cooties as the text flees from it.

The artwork is odd, but it does catch your eye.

Matt Nelson
9 years ago
Reply to  EricL

You know, I actually like the font on this one, but the art needs revision, and that tagline definitely has to go.

9 years ago

Wasn’t Mr. Wizard, Don Herbert? I’m almost certain. Frank Herbert wrote “Dune”, didn’t he?

9 years ago
Reply to  Wesley

You’re correct, but I’m not sure a few baking soda volcanoes wouldn’t have helped this out. They surely couldn’t have hurt.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
9 years ago
Reply to  Wesley

Yup. You’re right. DON Herbert was Mr. Wizard. My bad…

But not as bad as this cover!

9 years ago
Reply to  James F. Brown

Neil Gaiman meeting Mr. Wizard sounds like it could be a pretty fun read, actually.