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Sneaky Burrito
10 years ago

And that soldiers generally don’t go out in the snow wearing only tank tops.

10 years ago
Reply to  Sneaky Burrito

What are you talking about? That is an excessive amount of clothing for a women. An entire tank top? Where is her standard issue pink camo army bikini top?

10 years ago
Reply to  Sneaky Burrito

That’s why her nipples are sticking out.

10 years ago
Reply to  Sneaky Burrito

So cold it’s made the bloke in the background glum.

10 years ago

It looks more like a helmet liner than a helmet.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
10 years ago
Reply to  Mack

It looks small even for a helmet liner. Looks like she’s wearing a kid’s toy helmet. It is too easy cut’n’pasting graphics to get proportions wrong.

10 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

Right you are Naaman.

Being that I spend 4.5 years in the Army and grew up a military brat, I would like to point out that the dog tags are way wrong: wrong shape, too big, and they haven’t had a notch in quite a while though I don’t know when the story is set ( I enlisted in 1970 and did not have notched tags).The cord on which they are strung is much too large and doesn’t lay right on the back of her neck. We had beaded chains for our dog tags when I was in. And what is the guy wearing under his fatigues.? Red, white, and blue? At least they didn’t try to give them weapons.

10 years ago
Reply to  Mack

There’s hair sticking out of it at random places, too. I suppose you’d have to be a ‘warrior of courage’ to go into battle with a helmet that can’t stop hair, though.

10 years ago

And let’s not overlook the fact that if Pvt. Boobs-in-a-tanktop there were to tighten her chinstrap it would pull the front of that “helmet” down over her eyes.