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9 years ago

In honor of the Estimable Waffles’ Positive Reinforcement Initiative, this is very colorful. VERY. I actually don’t object to the sun’s rays, against the pinky-sunset sky, nor the back of the blonde head, but the graveyard just, unfortunately, kills it. (Ha…see what I did there?)

Eli Nelson
Eli Nelson
9 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Yes… but the main colors are orange, mustard, and pea green!

9 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

The graveyard doesn’t even kill it! That one tombstone does!

Positive reinforcement: take off that Out of place tombstone. much better! 😀 (i like my tombstone with pepperoni & cheese)

9 years ago
Reply to  waffles


Y’know, you’re absolutely right. And the sad thing is, this isn’t dreadful! The author must have paid some ducats for this, and although I have NO idea if it’s appropriate for the genre, etc., if they’d just get rid of that one dumb gravestone, it would be infinitely better.

I’m just not a Tombstone girl. I’m a “real pizza or nothing” kind of girl. 😉