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john e. . .
9 years ago

Who got pancakes on my Tesla Coils?

Who got Tesla Coils on my pancakes?

What a wonderful treat of delicious Reese’s® Tesla Pancake Coils™!!

Matt Nelson
9 years ago

You know, bad as it is, I’m not gonna lie, I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE FRANKENPANCAKES.

9 years ago

“Jane, there’s something different about these pancakes. Are you using a new recipe?”
“Yes, Roger. The batter has orange zest in it. I’m told these pancakes can be very… zingy.” Roger, who had been convulsing in his chair while she spoke, now lay still. Jane glanced up from the sink to confirm her plan had succeeded.
“Damnit,” she spat. “Those were supposed to be slow-acting. Now I’m going to have to throw away some perfectly good murder pancakes. Unless…”
“Good morning,” Mikey grumbled as he shuffled into the kitchen. “What’s for breakfast?”
“Pancakes are on the table, sweety,” Jane said with a smile.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
9 years ago

Crayola… again!

9 years ago

The Power Breakfast.

9 years ago

The cover concept is hilarious! It’s too bad they shortchanged it with the well-rendered crayon drawing. Listen up, authors: Crayons are for coloring books, not covers of books.