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9 years ago

This is The Cold War Adventure’s story… of Revv or Rew or whatever the dude’s name was supposed to be.

9 years ago

Day 1. Sat in front of con’sole staring at red button’s for 8 hr’s. Red phone did not ring.

Day 2. Sat in front of con’sole staring at red button’s for 8 hr’s. Red phone did not ring. Tuna sandwich for lunch.

Day 3. Sat in front of con’sole staring at red button’s for 8 hr’s. Red phone rang. Alek’si’s Red Carpet Cleaning. “No red carpet’s, Alek’si.” Tuna sandwich for lunch.

Day 4. Sat in front of con’sole staring at red button’s for 8 hr’s. Red phone rang. Alek’si’s Red Pe’st Control. “No red pe’st’s, Alek’si.” No lunch. Glowing green pe’st’s ate it.

Day 5. Sat in front of con’sole staring at red button’s for 4 hr’s. Red phone rang. Alek’si’s Red Spot Catering. Mmm, Atomic Chicken, chomp. Lost lunch on red button’s, boom, oop’s. TGIF.

9 years ago
Reply to  red


Thanks for the laughs.

Matt Nelson
9 years ago
Reply to  red

Funny, but oh man, that hurt to read. X-D

9 years ago
Reply to  red

Glad someone got a chuckle out of that.

That one typo I didn’t make will haunt me for a long time.

john e. . .
9 years ago

Good thing Reww has got that big coat on.

Get it?

Get it?

9 years ago

Oops; this cover needs another rev.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
9 years ago

Why is he carrying around that infant car seat?

L-Plate Pen
L-Plate Pen
9 years ago

“… And this is when I tried to hitchike down the M1 to my next adventure’s. ah, good times…”

Cheers Revv!

9 years ago

Thank you for the constructive criticism of my book cover. I have removed the offending apostrophe and hope to double my sales. To date I have sold almost 1,400 downloads.
My next book is about Revv’s Eurorailing Adventures. Any ideas for a title?