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9 years ago

Oh, dear Lord. I HAD to “look inside” – and it’s an indecipherable mess. Worse than this cover, if you can imagine such a thing.

9 years ago
Reply to  Kris

That is a ‘Look Inside’ that shouldn’t haven been approved. I hope that actual book isn’t like that.

Take Cover
Take Cover
9 years ago
Reply to  Kris

I have a terrible feeling that this is what madness looks like.

I also sincerely hope that rotating the interior of a book through 90 degrees so that the words run vertically, from bottom to top, isn’t something that ever catches on.

9 years ago

Her ribcage is inhumanly elongated, and, well, the girls are sagging something fierce. A new low for pseudo-humans?

9 years ago

Well, I’ll say this for the people who do pseudo-humans: at least they give us lots of pictures of scantily clad women to view. Scantily clad women with plastic-looking two-dimensional skin and something disturbing in the way they hold their eyes more often than not, yes, but scantily clad women.

john e. . .
9 years ago

Nathan, your comment made little sense, so I was forced to look inside.

Oh, how I rue that decision. It will haunt me to my dying days.

Alas, may that day be soon.

john e. . .
9 years ago

Also, Nathan (and everyone else here),

There are people out there who apparently disagree with your conclusion about the lousiness of this cover: one Amazon Reader actually found the scantily clad, plastic-looking, two-dimensional monster on the cover to be quite . . . beautiful.

His words, not mine.

9 years ago

Hey, bookshelf-bewbs, let me set my beer down while I get this bag over THAT FACE… *shudders* It’s like she’s reaching out to grab your soul.

9 years ago

Boobs don’t work that way.

9 years ago

Oh no no no no no no NO.

I’m horrified on behalf of people whose 3D item designs have been sloppily slapped into this. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Oh gawd no.

9 years ago

The small text is unreadable even at full size. And it’s not a great idea to put the name of what I assume is a character right where the author’s name usually goes.

9 years ago

Must grab shiny red title, is what this one says to me with the figures arm is outstretched.

L-Plate Pen
L-Plate Pen
9 years ago

Why bother wearing clothes that defy gravity when your boobs clearly don’t?