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9 years ago

Besides ketchup, what am I looking at? What is any of this stuff?

9 years ago

Cardboard weapon prop? …at least, I think that’s supposed to be some sorta uh, yeah, spray painted cardboard grappling hook weapon thing. Maybe not, you got me.

9 years ago
Reply to  Sipesh

Definitely spray-painted corrugated cardboard. And ketchup. And a pocket from his cargo pants that he doodled on.

9 years ago

“As Trey begins new transformations, Paddy O’Whooly has gone through his own, to the pleasure of his wife Gwen. Stephen guides a luxury craft he stole and pirated in the middle of the ocean he crash landed in the day before. Finera and Paelo confront devan on his plans much to their amazement and disgust. This third instalment continues in the fourth chapter to the final book in chapter 10.”

Yep. That’s the description.

Take Cover
Take Cover
9 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Magnificent! And a perfect fit with the cover, where I also have no idea what’s going on or what any of these things are, or even (except for the piece of cloth) what they’re supposed to be made of.

9 years ago

I must have missed that sale on underlines.

9 years ago

I keep wanting to click on that title text to see where the link takes me. Oi vey, this is painfully bad, and I see from the description that the incompetent cover is nicely representative of the incompetent innards.

Does the “0.5” in the title mean this book is still in beta? Let’s hope so.

9 years ago

‘(________)’ This person sure loves to underline, bracket and single quote. Yee Haw. If only he had that much enthusiasm for finding a decent photo for his cover.

9 years ago

Is that claymation bacon? Is this a book about giant claymation pigs who yield copious amounts of bacon? Also, is “The Sheeved” a reference to Emperor Palpatine? Because if this is a book about a plot by Emperor Palpatine to genetically engineer giant claymation pigs who yield copious amounts of bacon I won’t just buy it: I’ll go back for seconds.

john e. . .
9 years ago
Reply to  Shea

Start writing! I’m hungry for copious amounts of giant claymation pig bacon!

9 years ago
Reply to  john e. . .

I just might. Can’t possibly be worse than what Lucas did.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
9 years ago

Is “Sheeved” even a word? The comment editor gives it a squiggly red underline. Wiktionary doesn’t have it, and they carry re-directs for common misspellings.

9 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

It’s the literal spelling of a certain dialect’s pronunciation. For example: “Well golly, Wilbur. Dem dar sheep are sheeved mighty close to the skin. Dey might catch coald!”

john e. . .
9 years ago
Reply to  DED

haw haw