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9 years ago

Mask with eye holes?

9 years ago

Once again, I’m amazed by the zen-like (or caramel-like, or whatever) theme of “LBC Echoes Art” as exemplified by the striking compositional similarity between this cover and the “New Art: The Angel’s Book” whatsit thing of N. Shumate. Both even share a common theme: “Art and Desire.” The Angel’s Book, however, is the one doing the dazzling, while its echo merely baffles; and as it provides the art lover with a much richer and more intriguing range of intellectual stimulation, in addition to a muted color scheme, it would be right at home as the centerpiece on anyone’s mantelpiece (especially mine). The perfect Mother’s Day gift.

9 years ago

I guess some people get excited by negatives of old women. It looks like she needs her ear hairs trimmed.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
9 years ago

Maybe she wouldn’t be so dazzled by darkness if she had eyeballs.

9 years ago

I quite like how the title has been done — noticeable but still simple and readable — although it would look better if it used up more of the horizontal space available to it. A bit of a shame, as with a more professional drawing and an improvement on the other text it might look quite nice.