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10 years ago

Gawd, I hate this spare, minimalist look! This cover needs more fonts, more text, more ornaments, more clipart, MOAR STUFF!!!!!

10 years ago
Reply to  Karl

Yep. There is plenty of space for more tiny random images which make no sense.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
10 years ago

The artifacts presenting the cover as an antique lockable volume would have been cooler without the key floating toward the lock.

The inkwell and quill by the author’s name and the map with the series tag “A Tale of the Island World” compound the clutter. Then the series tag “Tale of Tarque Part V” above the title is confusing: a subseries (Tale of Tarque I-V) within a series (Tales of the Island World)? The line “The Wizard Gault’s Dark Crystal Magic Threatens Arii’s Pact” belongs on a back cover.

The hands shaking represent the covenant and the glaring snarling guy is the peril, I got that, but I think it is too blatant for an effective cover illustration. An illustration of a scene from the tale would be more effective in perking interest even if you have to read the book to get it. Do the best covers for “Gone With the Wind” show Tara literally being blown away by the winds of the Civil War?

At 25%, approaching the thumbnail size most internet book browsers will see of the cover, the title is too small, and the tiny add-ons disappear. Zoom in on the cover and the add-on clutter distracts the eye.

I would be attracted to the cover if it kept the antique book look, the title was larger than the author’s name, one unambiguous series tagline, and the illustration was a scene from the story rather than a pictograph of the title.