Driving My Scooter Through The Asteroid Field ~ Coming Down Over Venus February 5, 2025NathanCovers5 Comments Driving My Scooter Through The Asteroid Field ~ Coming Down Over Venus Drugs? Drugs. actual title please Mystery Meat punctuation matters WTF Previous postWhen the Mountains Wept (West Virginia: Born of Rebellion’s Storm Book 1) Next postCounterfeit!: Fake medicines kill. No-one is safe. (The Jones Sisters Thrillers Book 1)
So he imagines that he knows astronomy, too? This guy should get a collective Lousy for his body of … no, not work, I’m not sure what it is.
An honorary Lousie, for his/her lifetime anti-achievement?
Does anyone have any idea what’s going on with the random “Hallo, Baba” after the title?
Yes, I know that’s the least that’s wrong with this cover, but it’s the only part that’s coherent enough for me to form a comment about it.
Behold: another shoo-in for Lousy Award nominees in the “Who barfed?” category.