I don’t know if this cover’s message is, “I literally have no idea what copyright and trademark law are,” or if it’s, “I have a deep, masochistic desire to be sued for everything I’m worth,” but either way, I would stand far away from this particular author.
I want to read this, so I can compare it with the Harry Potter version.
Charles Cassady Jr.own
16 days ago
I say it be released in the USA as “The Philosopher’s Stone.” Because American kids are so much more excited by philosophers than sorcerers, just ask the boys in marketing.
I don’t know if this cover’s message is, “I literally have no idea what copyright and trademark law are,” or if it’s, “I have a deep, masochistic desire to be sued for everything I’m worth,” but either way, I would stand far away from this particular author.
Apostrophes are hard.
Opening quote for apostrophe?
Is that edgy or backward?
This is actually a public domain novel from 1914. So nothing against the author in this particular instance.
Maybe not for the book itself, but the art on that cover is a direct ripoff of Harry Potter and that is actionable.
Oh, yes. Who ever is publishing this definitely needs to be thrown to the lawyers.
That’s cruel. Oh be merciful. Throw them to the sharks.
I want to read this, so I can compare it with the Harry Potter version.
I say it be released in the USA as “The Philosopher’s Stone.” Because American kids are so much more excited by philosophers than sorcerers, just ask the boys in marketing.