I don’t know if this cover’s message is, “I literally have no idea what copyright and trademark law are,” or if it’s, “I have a deep, masochistic desire to be sued for everything I’m worth,” but either way, I would stand far away from this particular author.
3 hours ago
Apostrophes are hard.
1 hour ago
This is actually a public domain novel from 1914. So nothing against the author in this particular instance.
I don’t know if this cover’s message is, “I literally have no idea what copyright and trademark law are,” or if it’s, “I have a deep, masochistic desire to be sued for everything I’m worth,” but either way, I would stand far away from this particular author.
Apostrophes are hard.
This is actually a public domain novel from 1914. So nothing against the author in this particular instance.
Maybe not for the book itself, but the art on that cover is a direct ripoff of Harry Potter and that is actionable.