ANAYA and the BEE

ANAYA and the BEE

The butterfly goes uncredited.

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Frith Ra
1 day ago

If I saw a flying critter that looked like that, making friends would be among the last of my ideas.

Another Bob
Another Bob
1 day ago
Reply to  Frith Ra

If you’re talking about the flying critter outside the jar, the last time I saw one that looked like that was in a commercial for Honey Nut Cheerios cereal. I wonder if “cue the attorneys” is appropriate here.

8 hours ago
Reply to  Another Bob

It also looks a little bit like the bees in Bee Movie, except nowhere near so well rendered. The rendering quality overall is like that of one of the early PlayStation games: everybody’s got plastic flesh without even an attempt at texturing. Probably the only reason it doesn’t “cue the attorneys” is that a lot of different companies have used a design for bees something like that, so none of them have it copyrighted.