Pandora’s Box (Not Like Paradise)

Pandora’s Box (Not Like Paradise)

Every second you look at this, your hatred for it doubles.

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Frith Ra
6 days ago

This looks like my very first attempt to edit a photograph on photoshop. No, take that back, it’s worse. I knew that surfaces have different angles.

Frith Ra
6 days ago
Reply to  Frith Ra

Btw: what’s Red Sulf supposed to be?

5 days ago
Reply to  Frith Ra

Oh, man, that Pandora’s Box face…I know I know it, but does anybody else remember WTH that is? I don’t think I ever used that, even in my very first attempts to work with fonts and faces…

5 days ago
Reply to  Nathan

OH GOD YES. That’s what it is. BLERGH!!!!

TY, Nathan old boy!

5 days ago
Reply to  Nathan

Bejaysus, of course, you haven’t. If you had, if there were a done-by-Nahtan cover out there with it, we’d all go on strike.

Nicholas Dollak
5 days ago
Reply to  Nathan

I used it on my rather font-heavy cover to The Tragedy of Rocky, the Very Picture of Horror, for “by” and “(With Illustrations by the Author)” – It’s eminently more readable than the other fonts used when it comes to smaller text. I understood that I was using four different fonts on the cover, but as a Shakespearean spoof of Rocky Horror, it all made sense, in a cosmic way – like a broadsheet advertising a play at the Globe circa 1610. Blackadder lent it that “handwritten” touch.