Mischief and Mutiny: A Cruise Ship Mystery (Millie’s Cruise Ship Mysteries Book 19)

Mischief and Mutiny: A Cruise Ship Mystery (Millie’s Cruise Ship Mysteries Book 19)

Is this a Minecraft murder mystery?

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Frith Ra
16 days ago

Mystery one: who’s the intended audience? Mystery two: who’s actually buying these? Mystery three: why should I care?

15 days ago
Reply to  Nathan

Have either of you or anybody else here SEEN that abortion, that horrible show on Acorn, I think it is, “The Good Ship Murder?” OHMYGOD, execrable is the nicest word I can use for it.

I know this is LBC and not LTVS (Lousy TV Shows), but I just can’t resist mentioning it. It is just DREADFUL. That show didn’t get released—it escaped. You’ve been warned. If you try it and your eyeballs fall out, don’t say I didn’t tell you.

Hell, maybe this is the book series from which it sprang? Offspring of Terrible?

14 days ago
Reply to  Nathan

I’m going to put on my redheaded-kid-in-the-back-row hat and mention that the cover nowhere suggests a murder.

Also not on the cover: Bigfoot!

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
14 days ago

I just noticed Millie is over half as tall as a lighthouse. Had to zoom in to be sure.

Charles Cassady Jr.own
Charles Cassady Jr.own
13 days ago

Cover reminds me of famous minimalist cartoon “Ship Arriving Too Late To Save a Drowning Witch.” Famously used by Frank Zappa as an album cover.