BLURB: A Pac-Man Perspective on Organisational Change

Living theory is a way of making use of personal accounts of experienced practice. As the Pac-Man perspective on organisational change helps the change agent articulate the personal values he is committed to and how these values may be resisted in practice, living theory is useful for developing knowledge that has a practical impact on self-improvement and social change, but it is also a type of theory that is difficult to publish in academic outlets. As a consequence of this, publishing Pac-Man living-theory research becomes a Pac-Man game in itself, with the journal editors as one of the four adversary gatekeepers, but it is a rewarding game for those who want to contribute both theoretically and practically on how to make the world a better place.

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5 months ago

Well, since you can’t actually be less likely than 0%…

Nicholas Dollak
5 months ago

I kept hearing the “Game Over” sound in my head while I slogged through that description.

5 months ago

I’m sure I’ve heard crankier ideas than this one before, but it’s been long enough that I don’t remember when.

(Life is a game of Pac-Man? Seriously?)

5 months ago

Okay, I’m gonna ask. What the holy hell does this:

Living theory is a way of making use of personal accounts of experienced practice”

Actually mean?

It sounds as though someone is saying–kick me if I’m wrong here–that listening to mum and dad pays off? That’s “living theory,” izzat right?

Sheesh. PacMan for living. I mean, the concept isn’t terrible but the execution is seriously lacking!

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