You wouldn’t believe how long I stared at that blurry mess trying to figure out what I was looking at. I don’t think it is so much pixelated as it was intentionally heavily blurred to hide the fact that the pseudohuman was even more poorly rendered than usual.
Johno McMoose
6 months ago
There’s probably some blacksmith stuff going on, but the blur makes it look like a guy urinating into a crystal ball.
6 months ago
Pixelated is accurate, yes. On the other hand, do you really want to see that image clearly?
You wouldn’t believe how long I stared at that blurry mess trying to figure out what I was looking at. I don’t think it is so much pixelated as it was intentionally heavily blurred to hide the fact that the pseudohuman was even more poorly rendered than usual.
There’s probably some blacksmith stuff going on, but the blur makes it look like a guy urinating into a crystal ball.
Pixelated is accurate, yes. On the other hand, do you really want to see that image clearly?
Is the dude’s crotch this important to the story?
Don’t ask questions to which you really don’t want the answer.