BLURB: The Planet of Doom: Sci-fi Adventure (Book 1)

A journey to unveil the mysteries that lie beneath the surface of history, challenging the boundaries of science and belief, all while a silent adversary threatens to strike.
Dive into this intriguing adventure that tests the limits of human ingenuity and bravery.

That’s the entire description.

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1 month ago

AI is too easy to mock here (and at a glance it’s clear this cover, blurb, and the book are all AI-generated). Can we reserve our disdain for human-made crap? I appreciate that the judgment of people posting the AI books is also laughable and they are worthy of abuse too, but it feels less special.

Although that Pilates book with the legs twisted around was something special.

1 month ago
Reply to  Nathan

True, I can’t know for certain.

1 month ago

For that matter, AI-generated though it be, that cover image isn’t too bad. One may consider the designer’s choice of typesets and the placement thereof (“Tonight’s act at our nightclub: The Planet of DOOM!”) rather dubious, and the square-cube law would probably cause a pyramid at that severe an angle to crack and crumble under Earth’s gravity, but with a little artistic license the picture itself is actually fairly pleasing to the eye overall. Moreover, I can tell you that AI is—so far—terrible at doing coherent lettering, and at writing coherent blurbs; those parts have to have been a human’s output.

1 month ago

Well, would you look at that! It’s got a new cover already; and the lettering’s even worse, though the new image is still rather attractive.