BLURB: If You Can’t Be Good, Be Bad!

This is the True Story of a boy (from age 4 to 19) with Anti-Social Personality Disorder, early puberty, premature sexual urges and lots of other problems. He is known as a “good kid” in his surburban Long Island, NY, neighborhood. In reality he is a sexual pervert, deviant, liar, thief, embezzler, torturer, rapist and all around criminal involved in a number of illegal enterprises. Not drugs, he hated drugs and never touches them. Everybody loves him (he lives with five girls and has sex with all of them including his first cousin, his two second cousins came later) and everybody wants to hire him because he has the Magic Touch when it comes to business. Just don’t give him a reason to get back at you.

Who would want to read this? And how can I put them in a registry?

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Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
6 months ago

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6 months ago


  • Someone with a serious mental disease.
  • Stalk said someone with a hidden camera (warning: this is highly illegal) until you catch him/her looking at underage/rape/some-other-kind-of-illegal porn, and then find some way to send the police the footage anonymously (so you don’t get arrested too).
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