Make America Great Again–Like Norway August 6, 2024NathanCovers5 Comments Make America Great Again–Like Norway Because what America needs is more Vikings. BOO-ring bulletin board layout readability Previous postEye In The Sky Hijacked Next postBLURB: Black Hole Time Machine
I don’t care what field your degree is in, to be “Dr” of any type and show this level of judgment is abhorrent.
Suffice to say, I am not seeing a logical connection between the first and second parts of the title sentence.
Make America Viking Again!
Bring back serving wenches with huge goblets of mead!
Nay! No effete “goblets” around here — we use tankards the size of oil drums!
Norway, according to my cousins who live there, want nothing to do with MAGA. “We already fought the Nazis, once. Thanks.”