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8 months ago

As I remember hearing on the DVD commentary track for Pixar’s The Incredibles (2004), the animators were trying to make all the background jungle scenery on the island with the villain’s volcano lair look heavy and rough around the edges and filthy the way stuff in nature is, while their rendering programs were always trying to make everything look weightless, neat and sharp, and clean. Considering that Pixar was using state-of-the-art technology while the indie cover designers making these covers with pseudohumans on them are using cheap-crap off-the-shelf software, that the imagery on these covers doesn’t look even faker and more plastic than it does is actually something of an achievement for them. Of course, in the words of The Mandalorian when the titular protagonist was presented with a former Imperial sharpshooter at one point, “That’s not saying much.”

Another Bob
Another Bob
8 months ago
Reply to  RK@HM

Remember 2004 was twenty years ago. In graphics that’s ancient history. I’ve worked with several of those cheap programs (only because I had to). Grunge filters for them are plentiful, cheap or free, and easy to apply. Not that they are GOOD, mind you. But they ARE plentiful, cheap or free, and easy to apply.

8 months ago

I’ve never seen an image with a sword in it look so bland and unexciting. And that includes the AI garbage when it merges into someone’s third arm.

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