We ought to start an animal rescue organization to help the poor dogs, cats, and other critters stuck on lousy covers!
8 months ago
Fun fact: yes, the dog is colorblind, but only red-green colorblind. Most dogs have only two kinds of color receptors, whereas most humans (i.e. those who aren’t colorblind) have three.
To the dog, the cover would probably look something like this:
We ought to start an animal rescue organization to help the poor dogs, cats, and other critters stuck on lousy covers!
Fun fact: yes, the dog is colorblind, but only red-green colorblind. Most dogs have only two kinds of color receptors, whereas most humans (i.e. those who aren’t colorblind) have three.
To the dog, the cover would probably look something like this:
I can’t decide whether that’s an improvement.