Makes me wonder, though, if there could be a full metal planet out in the universe? We know of our little corner – gas, and rocks w/ metal – but there might be more flavors of planets, just like Baskin-Robbins!
LBC Participant
9 months ago
I’ll skip the Planet of Gas.
Charles Cassady Jr.own
6 months ago
“adapted from the screenplay.” Is this the one where the stones rise up and overthrow the humans? And in the end Charlton Heston finds the Statue of Liberty and realizes IT WAS EARTH ALL ALONG?! Sorry if I didn’t say spoiler alert.
Makes me wonder, though, if there could be a full metal planet out in the universe? We know of our little corner – gas, and rocks w/ metal – but there might be more flavors of planets, just like Baskin-Robbins!
I’ll skip the Planet of Gas.
“adapted from the screenplay.” Is this the one where the stones rise up and overthrow the humans? And in the end Charlton Heston finds the Statue of Liberty and realizes IT WAS EARTH ALL ALONG?! Sorry if I didn’t say spoiler alert.
“You bastid rocks!”