I entirely forgot that I wanted to get the first three months’ worth of Lousies balloting as soon as first quarter was done — because I’m just that good at what I do
The rules: Pick your choices for the worst three covers for each month.
Hard to choose, so many of these made me go, “OMFG!”. Blissfully, I don’t remember several of them.
Johno McMoose
9 months ago
It seems I’ve repressed the memory of most of those, as I am close to sure I see them for the first time.
9 months ago
In order to give all nominees a fair chance, I scroll to the bottom first and work my way back to the top. Chances are, I’ve found three abominable covers before I reach the halfway point. And then I wonder if book covers are still something that authors look at. But I remember which site I’m on and continue with my day.
It’s also set to display the covers in random order, so the first week of any given month doesn’t take all of your votes.
9 months ago
You really should be careful to skim all the way to the bottom before casting any votes; no matter how certain you are that three of the covers you’ve seen so far deserve your votes, there’s almost always at least one that is even worse somewhere down below them.
Hard to choose, so many of these made me go, “OMFG!”. Blissfully, I don’t remember several of them.
It seems I’ve repressed the memory of most of those, as I am close to sure I see them for the first time.
In order to give all nominees a fair chance, I scroll to the bottom first and work my way back to the top. Chances are, I’ve found three abominable covers before I reach the halfway point. And then I wonder if book covers are still something that authors look at. But I remember which site I’m on and continue with my day.
It’s also set to display the covers in random order, so the first week of any given month doesn’t take all of your votes.
You really should be careful to skim all the way to the bottom before casting any votes; no matter how certain you are that three of the covers you’ve seen so far deserve your votes, there’s almost always at least one that is even worse somewhere down below them.