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1 year ago

The author published this book when she was ten, so on the one hand it’s hard to be mean, but on the other, she’s (or the adult who signed her up to KDP is) asking people to pay for this.

1 year ago
Reply to  Syd

Honestly, it boggles me that people do this. How can they not understand that complete and total strangers, rating in all kinds, will now have access to their kid’s psyche, though reviews? I mean…WOW. I almost think I’d take some kid away from a parent that did this before one that couldn’t feed ’em regular…(don’t everybody get their knickers twisted, it’s just…thinking aloud…)

1 year ago
Reply to  Nathan

It’s well and truly bad. I…I always wonder if every single generation since we left the caves thought this, though.I mean, it was Socrates who lamented the youth of today; is anything we say today any different–simply much,much faster and it travels round the globe, not round the room (only)?

I wish…I wish I could tell myself that it’s not any different, that we’ll all survive, and it’s…just kids being kids, but then I look around at the news and I think “That’s what Germans thought, about their kids, and young adults, in the early 1930’s, too.” Right before the Hitler Youth reported them and had them taken away….

1 year ago
Reply to  Hitch

Well that went dark, quickly

1 year ago
Reply to  PhilO

It’s me. Whaddidya expect?

1 year ago
Reply to  Hitch

Right?! Like grown-ass adults have complexes about negative reviews, and you’re subjecting your child to this? Just get a print version for yourself and a few select relatives to support her creative aspirations and encourage her to keep up with her artistic endeavours as she grows in both maturity and talent.

1 year ago
Reply to  Syd

Or find an Espresso Book Machine, or the like. If you’re rich, great, print 200 copies in China or locally. Give them away to friends and family, whatever. But reviews? Have mercy.

Zak Freeman
1 year ago

Parents always love what their kids create and then wonder why no one else thinks so highly of their work.