We Choose Her January 15, 2024NathanCovers4 Comments We Choose Her Guys. Sunscreen. bringing sexy back cut and paste filteriffic om-nom-nom de plume Previous postBLURB: From Death To Destiny Next postWe Are Vengeful Addiction: Lexi (The Vengeful Addiction Series Book 1)
Prometheus looks angry that someone shoved an iceberg up his butt, while the boy named Susan seems resigned to abdominal stretch marks and that his sword has snagged on the room’s starry lights.
I also took the byline to be the dudes’ names. That’s a more charitable interpretation than believing that to be the author’s name.
Comparing the perspective of Prometheus’s extended hand with the size of the moon seems to suggest an impending extinction event.
(But if this is like movie posters, where the names and pictures are in reverse order, that’s really Susan on the left.)
no no, they’re pink because they’re ALIENS, obvs. The author got Amazon to tag this as both science fiction (hahaha *headdesk*) AND literature