The Secret of Golden Ball: Juvenile adventure fiction. Micro- beings living on the golden ball. December 7, 2023NathanCovers5 Comments The Secret of Golden Ball: Juvenile adventure fiction. Micro- beings living on the golden ball. So, spoilers. art for a refrigerator instamatic om-nom-nom de plume Previous postFar & Away Next postChronicles of Ealiron Omnibus: Books 1-4
And they couldn’t cross-stitch the strip at the top of the frame because…?
I think that’s supposed to be the bottom of one of the sparkles in the ball above. Apparently, the surface of this ball doesn’t have a very high resolution, so when you zoom in far enough, you get pixilation issues.
They didn’t cross-stitch any of it, so there’s that. (It’s painted fabric.)
The extended title and the artwork kind of remind me of those old Burma Shave signs.
The Secret of Golden Ball:
Juvenile adventure fiction.
Micro-beings living on the golden ball.
I like how the blurb starts off with three badly written reviews ascribed to educated women. Very believable. Prob better fiction than this book.