Indeed, a cover that makes you say “Augh! My eyes!” like this one only comes up every once in a while… and that’s why anything with that tag on it (including this cover) is usually a pretty solid contender for a Lousy Award.
1 year ago
Yeah, the Devil can have this one, after all the cover must certainly originate from Hell!
Johno McMoose
1 year ago
I almost missed the “by”.
Charles Cassady
1 year ago
Biden and Trump have been indicted for less than this.
Words simply fail me….
I don’t think I’ve noticed the “seizure risk” tag before.
I deploy it rather conservatively.
Indeed, a cover that makes you say “Augh! My eyes!” like this one only comes up every once in a while… and that’s why anything with that tag on it (including this cover) is usually a pretty solid contender for a Lousy Award.
Yeah, the Devil can have this one, after all the cover must certainly originate from Hell!
I almost missed the “by”.
Biden and Trump have been indicted for less than this.
Entire genocide-level wars have been fought for less.
And may well be again. Somehow, that’s not so funny, today, Tuesday the 10th of October, 2023…..