Back To Brooklyn: The Sequel to My Cousin Vinny: Series Book 2: My Cousin Vinny: Studio-Authorized Book Series (My Cousin Vinny Series) August 3, 2023NathanCovers5 Comments Back To Brooklyn: The Sequel to My Cousin Vinny: Series Book 2: My Cousin Vinny: Studio-Authorized Book Series (My Cousin Vinny Series) No, seriously. This is a studio-authorized sequel novel, and I’m dying. aspect ratio busybusybusy cut and paste Previous postPugs and Kisses: A Christian Romance Collection Next postNanking Necromancer
Welcome to Brooklyn.
(Oy veh)
(Actual sign on the Brooklyn Bridge)
OMG there a book THREE?
You mean, like
My Cousin Vinny, Book 3:
Mona Lisa Vito Delivers Her Baby in Court!
So with the writers’ strike going on, studios have to resort to…scab graphic designers to make their bookcovers??
Well you could have fooled me.