Dare To Fear Adventure Of Thrills, Suspense and Bravery April 3, 2023NathanCovers4 Comments Dare To Fear Adventure Of Thrills, Suspense and Bravery I’m daring as hard as I can. busybusybusy do you even english mismatched art styles MS Paint reborn! Previous postSlip-Slidin’ Down Gold Mountain Next postHot Diggity Spacedogs: A Teen’s Guide to Being Spacewrecked
Is it me, or do we keep seeing that fox graphic all over the place?
(And add some blue eyes and that ant could be right out of “Them!”)
I don’t need to be dared in order to fear this dumpster fire.
It’s just such a kludge. I mean, this looks like someone spent 6-8 hours, rummaging stock clip art sites, assembled some critters and two girls, and then slapped them together. There’s no consistency, no conformance in the artwork…sigh.