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1 year ago

Is everything crooked, or is it just the aborted curvature of “gardens” that throws the eye off?

1 year ago
Reply to  Marc

It’s Gardens. The font face is nice, but the application is really rough. Not sure why the very pale “D” in GARDENS is so…well, as you say, “off.”

It’s like they tried to do a fade or Ombre, and it just didn’t work. And the D looks outsized, too. Again, not sure if it’s the very pale whitish-green color or…???

It’s throwing off the entire cover. Not to say that the cover wouldn’t need some help anyway, but…

1 year ago
Reply to  Marc

also the Irg/tapestry in the lower half. If you look closely, you can see that the vertical stripe that touch the right edge of the cover is wider at the bottom than at the top. The whole pattern seems to go askew about halfway down the tapestry/rug, making things seem tilted.