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2 years ago

hard to believe someone looked at that and said, “Yeah, that looks good!”

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
2 years ago

Problem with a lot of covers that end up here:
Author credit hard to read at thumbnail size.

Some of the worst covers seen here have been where an established author had a few copies of an out of print book PODed for friends or fans. They didn’t need to have an attractive cover to sell the book to a new audience.

2 years ago

It amazes me how many covers could go from LOUSY to ACCEPTABLE with just a change in type treatment. Some would even be GOOD! <sigh>

2 years ago
Reply to  PhilO

Yes and some perspective. I mean, ONLY changing that font would, yes, almost invariably improve it, but the heaviness of the mask, eating up all the real estate would negatively affect it as well. So, it would need a bit of juggling, too–but then, yes, it could have been an effective cover.

Such a shame.