ADMIN (STICKY): The Final 2022 Lousies Ballot!

A year’s worth of bad book covers has been whittled down by you, the discriminating (and longsuffering) viewer… and now, the final ballot of thirty-six covers!  Which three do YOU think are the worst?  Cast your votes between now and January 29th — and on January 31st, I’ll present the Top Ten Bad Covers posted in 2022!

(Displayed in random order.)

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2 years ago

Site tells me I have apparently already voted for three of these. Since they all show as 0 votes, I wonder which ones I voted for

2 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Thank you! At least it gave me a chance to really pick the three I hated most, lol

2 years ago

Has the butt theme been as prominent in years past?

2 years ago
Reply to  Marc

That chubby’s got a big ol’ butt! (Oh yeah?)
StixHiscock’s got a big ol’ butt! (Oh yeah?)
And Raven’s got a big ol’ butt! (Oh yeah?)

2 years ago

I see all three of Maximilian St. John’s covers from March made it to the finals; I’ll bet they just managed to edge out that Forced on the Farm entry.

War Goat
War Goat
2 years ago
Reply to  RK@HM

They are like public service announcements. Before seeing the covers, I was unaware that homeless fart sex is better than sex with a billionaire princess in her palace.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

I dunno, now that the hypothesis has been presented, I find it hard to argue against it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Marc

I mean, we have n=1, and n=2 is going to be hard to recruit so there’s little evidence to the contrary.

2 years ago

God have mercy.

2 years ago

Well, looks like the sticky post is finally sticking properly. Now if we could get one such a sticky post for announcing next year’s ballots, I’d say the system’s been properly tweaked.

2 years ago
Reply to  RK@HM

Friggin’ typos!

2 years ago

Well, looks like the sticky post is finally sticking properly. Now if we could get one such a sticky post for announcing next year’s ballots, I’d say the system’s been properly tweaked.

2 years ago

Votes casted. Now I need some therapy.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
2 years ago

Was I supposed to vote for the worst of the bad covers not the best?

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
2 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

I mean, if a bad cover is not that bad is it worst at being a bad cover, or if a bad cover is really really bad is it best at being a bad cover?

2 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

You’re supposed to vote for the most terrible covers according to whatever your subjective personal standard(s) may be. Two of the more popular standards last year were apparently the “Who barfed?” and “What made anyone think this was a good idea?” measures. This year, it looks like most are going for the “This is supposed to be a cover?” and “Augh! My eyes! My eyes!” standards.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Y’know, I spent the early part of last week in the ER and I’m 99% sure that this debacle has set my recovery back at least another week. THANKS A LOT, GUYS!

2 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

In longer-term recovery, Nathan.

I apologize for this, but if it helps even ONE of you:

(n.b. to everybody here: I am not sh*tt*ng you when I tell you, if you are 50+, have had Chicken Pox and have NOT had the Shingrix Vax, run, do not walk to your nearest drugstore, clinic, or doctor and GET THE G*DAMMNED vax. I too was stupid, and thought, “meh, a rash, it’ll be itchy.” I didi not know that it directly attacks all your nerve endings and is so excruciating that you simply can’t…you can’t imagine it. Mine moved into my nerve endings on my spinal cord.

I’ve taken falls from horses–had one roll over on me, a Tbred–which broke every rib in my rib cage, plus my breastplate AND my collarbone–and that was NOTHING compared to this. I’m now on day 12 of massive painkillers, blockers like Gabapentin, anti-virals, and steroids…and I still can’t work remotely for a full day. Hell, barely one-two hours, tops.

I don’t normally run around and tell people anything about my private life, as you all know, but I’m now a proselytizer about this Vax. RUN, RUN, DO NOT WALK and get the vaccine. i don’t care if it costs you $1K each [you need 2]. You just…you cannot imagine what this is like if, like this idiot, me, you get an acute case, and there’s no guarantee who will get what.

This pain was so bad, that I, who am not a crier–my husband has seen me cry, literally, 3x in 40 years–found me sobbing, at 3:00am, because the pain was so bad, it was stopping me from breathing–and I was rushed away in an ambo. I couldn’t sit. Couldn’t lie down. Couldn’t find any comfortable position and this went on for 3 days until it was so bad, I had to go to the ER. And that began the next 8-9 days, so far. It may take weeks yet for all this to pass off, and there’s a slim (granted, very slim) possibility that it may never go away!!!).

Don’t be an idiot like I was. Get the Vax. Don’t delay, don’t be stupid like me.

Here endeth the lesson. Sorry to consume your time, guys, but…please, I beg you–listen to me. Don’t be stupid like I was.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

“I’m sorry you had to go through that” seems a woefully inadequate thing to say under the circumstances, but it’s all I’ve got. Hope you feel better soon.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zsuzsa

I apologize for all the dopey rambling. I’m trying my best NOT to take so much that I’m drooling but it’s hard to resist when the alternative is mind-altering pain. I could not tell the ambo guys how old I was–that’s what that much pain does–it short-circuits your brain. What a wild ride this has been.

Thank you both. Much appreciated.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Now put that in book cover form.

Half Elf Prophetess
Half Elf Prophetess
2 years ago
Reply to  RK@HM

“This is supposed to be a cover,” and “Augh! My eyes!” were definitely the standards I went with.

The trick for me is to get past the gagging at the book’s premise and then decide how bad the cover is aside from that. These finalists definitely represent a unique collision of bad ideas and assaults on aesthetics.

2 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

There’s something to be said for the covers that give the impression of trying at least but failing spectacularly, versus the ones that are so off the deep end that what’s the point.