In Dystopia, Book III: The Cosmic Chakram January 5, 2023NathanCovers4 Comments In Dystopia, Book III: The Cosmic Chakram “At least I’m wearing pants this time.” cut and paste Previous postADMIN: The Third Annual LOUSIES Awards! April Ballot Next postSnifflebonkers the Dog – Twas the Night Before Dogmas (Tails of Snifflebonkers The Dog)
I dunno what the best use of that font would be, but this ain’t it. Why do none of these people have shadows? Why do two of them have unicycles? Is that round thing the cosmic chakram and is it supposed to be the light source?
Why did somebody do this to innocent images?
It’s a bit like looking at a Bollywood mashup of The Addams Family, ain’t it?
made by someone who had only heard of Bollywood, yeah
If chakram is Hindi for “Bag of rotting garbage” then this cover is indeed cosmic.