Here’s my ponderment: which came first, the character development, outline and plotline–or the clip art? Did the available clip art drive character development or the other way around?
2 years ago
If I were the cow placed on this cover, against its will, then I’d be mad too!
Last edited 2 years ago by Brad
2 years ago
They used plural (men and cows), so I guess the German Shephard is identifying as both a man and a cow. On the positive side, Farmer Pink Boots seems like quite the jolly fellow.
Clip art ahoy
Here’s my ponderment: which came first, the character development, outline and plotline–or the clip art? Did the available clip art drive character development or the other way around?
If I were the cow placed on this cover, against its will, then I’d be mad too!
They used plural (men and cows), so I guess the German Shephard is identifying as both a man and a cow. On the positive side, Farmer Pink Boots seems like quite the jolly fellow.