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2 years ago

Red Kryptonite is known for having bizarre, disturbing and/or unexpected side-effects, as evidenced by this cover.

2 years ago
Reply to  Brad

And apparently rips pixels to smithereens, as evidenced by the utterly unnecessary jaggies shown on that trffic sign.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

That, or it’s the doing of Mister Mxyzptlk!

2 years ago

Is this superman FanFiction?

2 years ago
Reply to  Ian

IDK, but I swear to God, I was just reading an article on the whole “Henry Cavill won’t be Superman” thing, about DC dropping him, yadda, and I glanced at the comments section. What to my wondering eyes should appear, but not a discussion about whether Henry or some other dude should portray Supes, but nooooooooo….this hundreds-of-comments-long section about whether or not Kryptonite should kill him or weaken him or anything else.

I couldn’t BELIEVE the stuff I read (natch, I had to read!). I mean, “it shouldn’t do this because it’s not that,” or…and the incredibly scientific-ish answers! Nothing about Cavill, bless his poor little tortured, handsome, no-longer-the-Witcher or Supes heart, but bygod, whether Kryptonite should, or shouldn’t hurt him. (SMH)

Boggling. One should never dismiss fandom–a lesson that Amazon seems bent on learning all too late.