kidnapping time in 88 seconds December 13, 2022NathanCovers6 Comments kidnapping time in 88 seconds “But how will people know it’s science fiction?” pixelation readability Previous postSatan’s Children – Celebrities who have sold their souls for Fame Next postTHE GLASS CLASS (COMING OF AGE Book 4)
The weird thing is that it isn’t even “science fiction”. It’s poetry (based on the “look inside” and the reviews at least).
Oh, heavens, you are absolutely right. It’s…some sort of odd hybrid thing, I think. It’s weird. And someone really should have helped her with her poetic formatting, that’s a shame. eBooks require extra “oomph” around line-wrapping poetry.
Many pixels died for this cover.
Not that many.
No real pixels were killed for your entertainment; all scenes indicating pixel-on-pixel or artist-on-pixel violence were simulated.
For a moment there I thought the chameleon circuit on the TARDIS had gotten unjammed, just a little.